5 Tips to Maximize Your Paid Ad Strategies

5 tips to maximize your paid ad strategies

Have you ever gone to the bank, withdrawn a few thousand dollars, then went home and threw all of that money into a high-powered fan, letting all the bits of destroyed money fall upon you like sad, sad confetti? No? You haven’t? Then why would you ever be careless with how you use your money […]

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Social Media Followers

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If you subscribe to the notion that the goal of social media is all about follower count, you are sadly mistaken. “Content is King” is the latest marketing philosophy and businesses are running with this idea to create a solid following. So, if you’re considering a shortcut to acquire that coveted mass of followers, take […]

Is there still a place for Traditional Marketing?

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Inbound marketing vs outbound marketing, traditional marketing vs digital marketing, print ads vs online ads – it’s a complex marketing world full of questions to ponder when you’re trying to choose the right marketing strategy for your business. There are proponents of all things digital marketing and those who still believe in the “traditional” avenues […]

Instagram Verification: Why and How

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In the world of social media, the old adage “less is more” doesn’t always apply, at least when it comes to followers on Instagram.  In fact, building a loyal base of followers across all social media platforms has become an integral part of successful marketing strategies and an important component of establishing your brand. So, […]

WEEKLY TIP – Put Your Money Where Your Students Are

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Social Media: Organic traffic just won’t cut it anymore Major changes are happening for businesses in the world of social media, particularly Facebook. The battle to stay at the top of the feed becomes increasingly difficult, especially for companies that are not spending money to advertise on the various platforms. Social media advertising is not […]

WEEKLY TIP: Monitor Your Online Reviews


Be a part of the conversation. In today’s connected world, you need to engage with customers to create loyalty and let them know you’re listening. Reviews are a great way to monitor your customer service and your competitors. Celsius Marketing | Interactive helps you to own the customer experience in the digital space. We work […]

WEEKLY TIP: It’s Time to Get Personal!

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Marketing success is heavily dependent on effective targeting and nothing could serve you better than personalized marketing. We live in a world of WIIFM (What’s In It For Me). Make sure to speak to your audience directly. For instance: Use their names in emails and text messages Use marketing automation tools to trigger lead nurturing […]

WEEKLY TIP: Make Sure it is Easy for People to Contact You

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Proper placement of calls-to-action on your website is critical to lead generation. Your website visitors want easy and they want options. Call-to-action buttons should have a strong design and contain enough white space around it to stand out. A “sticky” header and navigation with your contact information makes it easy for visitors to take action […]